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A Prayer for Peace

Writer's picture: Tami Joy Flick's MusingsTami Joy Flick's Musings

Abba Father,

We acknowledge that our world has strayed far from the Garden,

our original home, a holy place of perfect intimacy between God and His creation, a space that overflowed with incredible shalom.

We have beaten our plows into swords and forsaken the beauty of unity for division.

Greed, power, perversion, and prejudice have clouded our view of You and of each other.

We confess our sin against You and against each other. Deliver us from the evil around us and the evil that rears its head within our own souls. Help us to discern truth from propaganda,

wisdom from the foul spirit of suspicion.

May Your righteousness and Word serve as our plumb line of Truth.

May Your justice set our feet ablaze and our hands in motion.

May Your love be our source and grant us the courage to act and to rest. We ask that You would raise up an army that chooses towels and wash basins over bullets, fists, and sharp tongues.

We ask that you would anoint us as peacemakers - those that release the shalom of heaven, which is a mark of your kingdom, to destroy the chaos of the evil one from infecting our relationships, workspace atmospheres, or communities.

We pray that we would have the courage to invite people to the table, a place of reconciliation, healing, and fellowship, where people could freely share their experiences, emboldened by a culture of honor and compassion.

Grant us the grace to serve as bridge-builders for people and groups that need trustworthy mediators and negotiators. Empower and equip us to gather people together for Holy Spirit-inspired innovation and then please release to us the provision and strength to implement those same ideas and strategies.

Prince of Peace, our world needs You.

Prince of Peace, we need You.

We cry out in union with Your Spirit, "Come, Lord Jesus, come."


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